Sunday, October 10, 2010

Aaron Carter Beefcake?

Hey, everybody, look at these pictures Aaron Carter posted on his Twitter:

On second thought, that one picture is enough. No need for the second one. (I can't be the only one who is reminded of one of those Power Rangers figurine-things I used to have as a kid.) I don't know what's worse here, the awkward lack of skin he seems to have to cover all of them bulging muscles, or the vein on his forehead that might as well have its own House of Carter spin-off. Speaking of which, this isn't even the most desperate we've seen our very favorite male Carter twin. May I direct your attention to...

Somehow the phrase "I never touched her!" coming up in a conversation between two former heartthrob brothers is actually sadder than the fact that there are two former heartthrob brothers under one roof.

But wait, it can get worse than this. Aaron, welcome to pubescence:

Who ever thought these two could fight!? Or that Aaron could go through puberty!? Anyway, what was I talking about? I got distracted by the sheeniness of the matching silver outfits. Oh, Aaron's muscles and the accompanying claim that he's re-inventing dance. In about three weeks Aaron should learn that "vogueing" already exists, and then hopefully his second stab at re-inventing dance will teach us common folk how to strain our muscles so that our skin seems unnatural and paper thin. Who's psyched for this comeback!?

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